Sejak semalam, drama ‘Bini Aku Dari Neraka’ mendapat kritikan orang ramai apabila watak Sharifah Sakinah dikatakan seolah-olah mempersendakan agama. Netizen beranggapan skrip yang dikaitkan dengan hukum hakam agama tidak sepatutnya menjadi bahan lawan.
Artikel Berkaitan : ‘Aku Sorang Je Ke Rasa Tak Kelakar’ – Lakonan Sharifah Sakinah Dikritik Menghina Agama?
Tak tahan dikecam netizen, Sharifah Sakinah memberikan respon akan isu ini. Menurutnya, watak itu adalah seorang gadis bimbo yang tidak belajar agama dengan betul. Drama ini patut dijadikan pengajaran buat semua agar tidak membuat silap seperti karakter dimainkan.
Tengok sampai habis dan ambil iktibar
Regarding the issue of people accusing Telemovie Bini Dari… mempermainkan agama I would like to give my response. First of all, I see myself as an actor rather than a comedian so it’s not my intention to make reckless jokes, I’m just glad if my audience are entertained by the story and take iktibar from the messages that we tried to convey.
But the character is somehow a hasty, short minded bimbo (or at least she pretended to be), so I acted like a bimbo to the bone .. sampai ke seluar dalam aku pun character bimbo. For those yg sesuka hati kecam the drama assuming that we are making fun of agama. well please watch the whole story until the end and grasp the message.
Karakter ini orang yang tak belajar betul pasal agama
Lydia ni bengap ,lenge ala ala naive character who didn’t bother to properly study about agama, just assume with half-baked fact/fatwa especially from google. Lepas tu, she’s going very extreme without guru yang betul or even research it further, dengar pun separuh-separuh. Macam audience yang attack nilah tengok pun agaknya separuh2.
It’s not our intention pun to mempermainkan agama, memperli yg u guys sangkakan. Takkanlah kami berani nak buat begitu. The story does contain pengajaran and moral eventhough the characters are a bit bengap so that we can deliver the message through light and funny scenes. Lastly, enjoy the drama, learned from Lydia’s mistake and please watch it legally from Astro decoder and Astro On the Go only, thank you.
Sumber : Sharifah Sakinah
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