Football Moves You Can Do To Get In Shape

Photo by Freepik

Photo by Freepik

Football players are in great shape, are agile and have great stamina, helping them stay on top of their game. So, it stands to reason that practicing football moves is a great way to exercise. If you need to switch up your routine, try these football-inspired exercises during your next workout session.

Remember: Start with a warm up session first before starting your routines.


Photo by Markus Spiske

Photo by Markus Spiske

Football move No. 1: Toe Taps

Put a football in front of you on the ground or the floor, and tap your toe lightly on the ball, alternating between your right and left foot. It’s alright even if your toes doesn’t touch the ball, as long as you’re doing the movement. Do 100 toe taps.


Photo by Gary Scott/SXC

Photo by Gary Scott/SXC

Football move No. 2: Dribbling

Place small plastic cones on the ground or floor about 2 feet apart. Use 6 to 10 cones, depending on availability and space. Lightly kick the ball through the cones, weaving in and out, using one foot first and then the other on the way back. Your pace should be the same as a fast jog. Pause for about 30 seconds at the end of a set, doing at least six sets of this.


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Running sideways helps when defending or trying to steal the ball (Photo by Noelle Otto/

Football move No. 3: Side Shuffles

Shuffle sideways at a moderate pace, up and down the room, or halfway down the field before switching directions if you’re training outside. Do at least 4 sets of this, pausing for a break in between sets.




Football move No. 4: Juggling

Juggle the ball however you can using your foot, knees or head. If a football is too hard or heavy for you, use a lighter ball that is about the same size. Do this for 2 minutes, or as long as you can. This is a good move to segue into your warm-down session, which you shouldn’t skip for optimum body fitness.

Are you as excited as we are for FIFA World Cup 2018? Show your team colours through makeup with our tips here!

The post Football Moves You Can Do To Get In Shape appeared first on Her Inspirasi.

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