Do note that while the following traits are good indicators, they aren’t hard and fast rules – your child may not necessarily be lying even if he or she does exhibit the following signs.
1. A long gap
If you’ve posed a pretty straightforward question to your kid, such as, “Have you finished your homework for the day?” and your child takes a long pause before answering – he or she could be evaluating your potential reactions to the answer they choose to tell you and will avoid the one they know will upset you.
2. A change in eye contact
We’ve always been taught that an aversion of eye contact is immediately linked to lying, but Roger Strecker, a trained Behavioural Analysis Interviewer and Interrogator takes it one step further by stressing, “We are always looking from deviation from baseline analysis, whatever the interviewee exhibits with respect to eye contact, focus and even dilation or constriction of pupils are assessed. If eye contact was constant at onset of conversation then changed when a stressor or trigger question was inserted, this should be noted as an attribute that could be a deceptive response.”
3. Talking faster than normal
Preston Ni, a professor of Communication Studies also urges you to observe if your child answers excessively and runs his or her mouth in response to a direct question – especially if this isn’t a usual trait of theirs. The idea behind it is that he or she may be afraid that speaking slowly will allow you the time to spot and bring up loopholes in their lies.
4. A higher pitch
Preston goes on to say that if a person feels insecure or anxious, there’s a tendency for his or her voice to raise in pitch towards the end of a sentence.
5. Shut down barriers
While this may not be an indication that your child is lying, Preston states that non-verbal cues such as crossed arms or legs, turning of the body away from you, holding an object in front of chest as a shield, or placing themselves behind something so that there is a physical barrier between the both of you all point to your child closing off from you.
6. Relief
If you notice a change in facial expression in your child, especially relief, when you finally change topic – it’s a sign they were clearly uncomfortable and most probably hiding something.
7. General statements
If you’ve posed a direct question to your child, such as, “Are you smoking?” and they reply with a general statement such as “Smoking is bad for your health” – they are trying to avoid giving you a direct answer and distract you from it. They’ll also try to give irrelevant or excessive information in an attempt to convince you of their lie.
The post 7 Signs Your Child May Be Lying To You appeared first on Her Inspirasi.
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